Extreme Aventura Spanish Center adapts our Spanish curriculum to all age groups. We teach using Creative Curriculum and we teach using themes.
Our writing, language, Social Studies, science, and math will be structured to fit in with the theme. We focus on the alphabet in the fall and syllables and reading in the spring.
Fall semester theme:
"The Farm "
"La Granja"
During this theme we teach letters using animal names and sounds. We will be visiting local farms from our community to teach children about farm animals and what goes on in a farm. Math we will focus on identifying numbers, writing numbers, counting by 1, by 5s, by 10s.
Spring semester theme:
" Blooming in Spring"
"Floreciendo en Primavera"
During the theme we will have children learn about seeds and create a garden step by step. In language we will finish up with the letters using syllables using the letters to express them with flowers and spring.
As an addition to social studies this year we will be studying heroes without capes.
2900 West Overland Rd, Suite 102 Boise, ID 83705